Saturday, December 20, 2008

Why at this time of year?

As I sit here listening to my oldest practice trumpet, my youngest doing GOD knows what with the battleship pieces and waiting for the sugar cookie dough to chill, I wonder why now?

Yesterday, about 24 hours ago actually, we got a call from our very dear friends who are more family than anything and they told us their cabin was broken into. Their very much loved weekend cabin. Oozing with cozy country charm and mounted dear heads that yes were shot by the man of this couple.

$1000's of dollars worth of guns and hunting gear gone, appliances and other things and even worse it was obvious they planned to come back. Wheel barrows and bins overflowing with tools, ammo and other things sitting in the garage waiting to be carted away.



We drove out to their place to help if they needed it and ended up spending the night because they felt safer with us there. My husband helped put all new dead bolt locks on this morning. The most disturbing part, the gun safe was not damaged, it is almost like they figured out the combination.

Well, my cookie timer just went off. Time to roll some dough. I will be praying tonight for the worst to happen to these crooks and hope they are caught and for the stuff to be found.

I thank GOD everyday for the wonderful people in my life and hope this never happens to us.


  1. Dear Cozy Mama.
    I just read you comment over at Minerva's.
    David was worried about her too. I just want to tell you that she is pretty much on face book and you can find her there.
    She is called Marina Rurniss-Roe.
    Oh Cozy Mama...She has a beautiful profile picture there and she is happy.....From Terry[Teresa]...

    PS..Oh! and she has a picture of her lovely daughters and her naughty kitties and her little dog and a whole whack of family pictures!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh I is spelt it wrong CM
    It is "Marina Furniss-Roe".

  4. I am sorry to hear that about your friends. News like that is so frustrating and heartbreaking. I am sure they really appreciated your help. Good friends are priceless.

  5. Sounds like somebody knew the combination of the safe.....Sorry to hear about your friends loss...Hopefully they catch who did it and get some of their property back.

    Have a Merry Christmas.....
