Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Things to come or not to come?

As I sit here with my coffee and work all around me I wonder what the new year will bring?

The last couple days or really weeks have been great. I am busy all the time with work or with friends and the kids. I pretty much love my life except for the issues with my little guy. But hey he is bound to grow out of it right?

I am not sure how much I will keep up with this new blog but I am glad I started it. And even happier that there are people out there happy to see me back at it.

Life is funny. A year ago I was living in San Diego knowing that we were moving to Texas and I could only tell close friends and you! Work was in the dark and it felt good and scary having a secret.

I have to say it worked out way better than I ever imagined. I love my job, still not too fond of the CORPORATE side of it, but none the less I love it. I have an amazing boss that I call my second husband because I swear I talk to him more than my own. I have some great work friends too that I keep up with thru IM and facebook and so on. I make GREAT $$$!! WOOHOOO, which is icing on the cake.

Outside of work I have my other half who is going thru some stuff with work and not that happy about work but we will make it through. The boys are growing and changing. GOD, my oldest looks so grown up, I am not sure if I should cry, laugh or worry........all of the above I think. Over the weekend he went hunting and got his first doe. He is a man now at 12. Pretty soon we will be enjoying that with all the meat that will fill up the deep freeze we still need to buy.

My five year old may be tough to handle but he amazes me on a daily basis with his ability to store information. SONGS, he has 100's of songs stored in his little head and sings them all the time. Not just preschool and holiday songs. Stuff right off the radio or from Noggin. He sang the Noggin theme song word for word yesterday. Last week he sang his entire Christmas concert start to finish in the car on the way home. Oh and he will stop in the middle and demand that i clap at the end.

I have my friends, best friends from college right here again. I am so happy to be near them again but i do not see them nearly as much as i would like. I hope that changes. Plus a couple new friends. A neighbor that I know will be a friend for life. And a friend through the hubby's work that I think will also be a friend for life. It is scary how much alike we are except for the fact that she is on the other team, if you know what I mean..........

Well, not sure why I titled this the way I did, I guess cuz I really had no clue what I would write about or if I even wanted to write. It comes and goes but when the mood strikes be sure to tune in.


  1. i love reading the stuff I wrote years ago. and then realizing I can not write that ever again because God has changed my life and changed me in so many ways. we see growth, and hope in that if we keep living, and are open to the goodness around us, God does a miracle in us every day.

    thanks for your visit to the tree house maniac

  2. Happy New Year to You Too, Bella!

    What's up with the 5 year old? I must have missed something.

    Always to hear friends are loving life.


  3. Hey girl! Sometimes we go through rough patches in life but God always seems to have a special surprise after the roughness. Never take your eyes off of your 12 yr old because the minute you do he will instantly turn 16...sniff. Our eldest will be 17 in March and I am constantly thinking about the birthday after that and what will follow...sniff.

    I hope you and your family have a Blessed New Year!

  4. I love that you're back for the chat and can still find the benefits of blogging. I took so much time off, I didn't know if I'd continue, and like you, I'm glad I started again.

    12 years old? Gah. I can't imagine.

    I'm more in 5 year old land even though mine's only three. It's a struggle every day, but it's not one I'd change for a second!
