Bad Behavior = Presents taken away.
Let me make it clear this was my the spouse's idea. AND, I told him I was not sure it was a good idea.
However, I have to say the last 2 days have been almost pleasant. Monday night was actually downright enjoyable. Oh and the cartoons have been cut out too, not completely but close. I know NOGGIN is a good channel for kids his age and the shows really are educational but sometimes there are better things.
He still whines INCESSTANTLY (SP??) but no screaming fits for 2 WHOLE DAYS!
If he even starts to whine or act out, I say "Do you want me or Daddy to take away one of your presents?" He stops immediately.
NOW, what do we do after Christmas?
Still take them away or threaten to? I HOPE AND PRAY it never happens. The kid is getting all sorts of cool things this year. Santa has been good to us.
Oh yeah, back in the old blog days in SAN DIEGO - we were struggling. The bills were paid and food always bought and things we needed were there but we still had trouble.
FINALLY now that we have moved and both have jobs that are bigger and better, we are doing well.

It feels good.
I'm here in Austin and I am not a native. I am from Detroit. Yes, Texas CAN'T drive. The worse Texas drivers are here in Austin. There was a study done a couple of years ago.
ReplyDeleteOH and thanks all for the advice. Time out does not work well, spanking we do and it works in the moment, that is about it. i just hope that it gets better! And Buddha - i have been there too - walked away so i could not reach him.
ReplyDeleteCozy Mama eh?
ReplyDeleteI used to know this girl....
Um, let me see...
Very cute, I think her name was JODIE!!!!!!!
After Christmas start with his favorite thing, this can be a toy, game, show, book, get the picture and you should get the same results. My kids have missed birthday parties of their friends because of bad behavior and it only took one time to teach them to behave around bday party time. My kids are older (16,13, & 11) so I am taking away IPods, car keys, DS games, you name it, if they like it I take it.
ReplyDeleteGlad something is working for you.
Just to let you know, I actually got my take away advice from Dr. Phil believe it or not. He had a show a couple of years ago about kids behaving badly and not minding their parents and that was part of his advice, take their favorite things away, down to their favorite foods.
Good luck!
BTW..have I mentioned how good it is to have you back? :)
I am all about taking things away! Buddha had a phone given to him by a 'helpful' salesgirl at Bestbuy. Note: I was NOT there when this happened. Damn my Husband Guy.
ReplyDeleteI found out that he LIED to his teacher the other day. I took that damn phone and threw it in the garbage - the nasty, crusty curbside garbage can that rolls to the street once a week. My kid's face was incredulous. So be it.
I am so very glad that things are better for you all now. You guys DESERVE it!