Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Here is my list for 2009

eat more chocolate, preferably dark (it's good for you)
read more books
see more movies
drink more wine (starting to like red and a year ago would not have touched it)
stock up on sudafed for that damn red wine headache
worry less about everything
spend more time with friends
work hard but not too hard
enjoy family
walk more and park farther away in the lot when shopping

FIND DREAM HOUSE and buy it (well at least an affordable one that is a dream now)
PAINT every room whatever color I like
eat more choc........oh wait I said that already

HAPPY 2009


  1. I like your list. I'm redoing the colors in my house. I am sick to death of Mauve, Purples, Golds & Beige! I'm going to go with colors more like your blog.. hee hee.

    Here's an interesting tid bit-
    The local news station did a poll on how many local vegas peeps will be celebrating out:
    75% Staying home.
    9% Undecided, but not going to the strip.
    The rest were going out possibly the strip.


    Mr B's coming home early to avoid the tourist traffic & cabs with my Chinese food & Wine.
    I'm setting up the Texas Hold'em Table for a party of 3 in front of the fire :)


    Remember Bella- Fondest memories are usually the ones least expected.


  2. I love your list - too often, people just make up some blighted list 'just because.' What the hell? No, thank you. Me? I'm going to take better care of myself. This is from an emotional standpoint than anything else. I have been swamped at work and definitely let the core of myself suffer over the past five months. Day by day. A little more time for me, stress-reducing activities. And some general deep-breathing.

    In your honor, I will throw in some dark chocolate! Happy New Year, Mama!

  3. spend more time with friends ( a really good one)
    better than me saying, "do not waste time on addicts"

    happy new year!
