Wednesday, February 11, 2009

sickness all around

EVERYONE IS SICk - including my 5 year old - well he was for the last 2.5 days. came home early from school MOnday - fever and headache........stayed home yesterday more FEVER and headache - puked this am and NOW he is FINE but still at home due to the whole germ thing and school and all that crap.

problem now - i think i may be getting it, feel weird...........UGH


  1. Ugh. That's sooo not good. I'm sorry lady.

    Hugs to you!

  2. Oh man, this time of year is terrible for those germs to come creeping in especially when you have children that attend school, sometimes I feel like putting my kids in a sterile bubble just to send them off to get an education.

    I hope you all feel better soon and have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Jodes, I somehow figured out how to link my blog to my fb. Dunno how I did it, but maybe you wanna too. Just an FYI :)
